Breathe deep, always.

It’s been a difficult month for many, many people across the world. The world as we know it is going through a turning point. Don’t get me wrong, life is filled with turning points, little one, but this end-of-year season in particular, is turning.

South Korean President Park Geun-Hye is at risk of being impeached by lawmakers for a political scandal associating her with large business groups and donations lining her pocket.

France is to elect a new president to be their hope of saving their drowning economy of high unemployment.

BREXIT happened this year, Trump was elected to presidency this year, a major fire in Oakland, CA, earlier this week has notably claimed the lives of 36 people so far, a plane crash last week in the mountains of Columbia killed 71 people including most of the young Chapecoence football team from Brazil headed to a football finals game.

Today alone, I learnt that a friend lost four nephews the last two weeks, and another person lost 6 young peers.

Dear child, there will always be periods like this. Times where you feel like breathing is hard, like there are tears boiling behind your numb eyes and cold hands and stuffy heart.

I am writing this to remind you, and myself, to breathe.

It is easy to forget the frailty of human life as we settle into comfort. I love you so, and even as you celebrate your first birthday in less than three weeks, I want to remind you of the transience of things. Like balloons, sometimes they float, sometimes they float away. Sometimes they shrink and fall to the floor, sometimes they pop for no apparent reason.

It’s human to mourn, it’s human to grieve. Give yourself and everyone around you space to grieve and stand up from challenges in life. The end of the day is signaled by the setting sun and if we like sunsets and we enjoy the warm sunlight as we eat our lunches with friends, we must also celebrate the end of things.

Sometimes they will come suddenly. Sometimes, no amount of preparation will have your heart ready for the change, then, my little one, breathe.

I am your mother, and long after I’m gone, if you are having a difficult time, if you run into pain, and stuffiness in your chest, breathe. Look around you, and let yourself be held by those who love you, for you will always be surrounded by those who love you. I promise you that because I am working hard every day to guide you to be lovable.

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