If we speak of love.

Dear little one,

Last night as you slept, America elected her 45th president, Donald Trump.

We are surrounded by fearful, angry, disappointed people in California, and I understand their emotions. I also recognise that there are many people who are hopeful in Middle America.

When you study the American elections of 2016 when you are older, I hope you will refer to this letter. I am writing this as a 29-year-old foreigner in America. I could not vote, I could only observe, and this is what I saw and my advice to you:

Be quiet and listen.

  • There will be times you want to be loud and you’ll want to yell. Fight that urge, and make yourself be still and listen. It is only when you are quiet that you can hear the voices. Don’t stand in the middle of the fray, watch from the sidelines and you will see the players. Two families in fear, one that their family will be broken apart with members deported, another that their debt will continue growing, that this year they’ll be laid off because their company is going to move their operations overseas. Listen to the hearts of people, little one, because we are emotional creatures. The hungry and the broken are desperate, you have the power to heal, but only if you’ve heard their cries.

Know your opponent. Don’t underestimate emotions.

  • You will often think you are right. Be careful of this blinding notion. Understand that “right” merely depends on where you are standing. Humans are fickle and our emotions lead the way. Euphoria and arrogance often comes before a downfall. Before you are surprised, be discerning enough to study all possible sides of the issue. Invest time in proving your opponent right. It is important.

Be fair. Expect the same of yourself as that of your opponents, in winning and losing. 

  • Be not so angry, upset and disappointed that you begin pointing fingers and finding blame. Look inwardly at where you could have done better, and how you can next do better, not in the next competition, but right now. How can you be better right now?

Don’t assume the worst of your opponents. It’s a fatal flaw.

  • Many who voted for Hillary did not wholeheartedly support everything she did. In the same way, not everyone who voted for President Trump supports everything he has said and done. Don’t be so arrogant that you think yourself morally superior to those around you. To really understand the motives behind the intentions, listen.

Be forward looking, plan ahead. Plan for success, plan also for failure.

  • In most cases in life, winning is not everything and neither is losing. Don’t just plan a winners speech, plan a losers strategy. If you are waging your lunchbox and you may lose (as is always the case), make sure you have a flour in your backpack and home economics class coming up. Make yourself a cake, a doughnut, a pretzel. Don’t be so sure of yourself that you lose your cake, lunchbox, backpack and shoes. I cannot emphasize enough, don’t be arrogant, be smart, be careful. Don’t rush to the podium, ascend to it quietly, with dignity, and earn heartfelt respect from your opponent. That is success, then include your opponent in your future plans. The best way to know your opponent is to keep them by your side.

The day after overwhelming days, rest.

  • The best is yet to be, up and on. These are the beliefs of two schools in Singapore that have a rivalry in the sport of rugby. You are in charge of tomorrow. The moment you allow yourself to fear, to be angry and be filled with hatred, you have handed over defeat and control of your tomorrow.

Own your influence.

  • When you have a little one of your own, know that you are either developing or killing potential. Through your thoughts, words and acts, you influence people every day. Choose the energy you want to share, the encouragement you want to be and the love you want to spread. When you have a little one like yourself, napping in a bassinet nearby, I hope you’ll understand why I choose faith, I choose to keep working in the same direction I was walking yesterday. I hope you’ll understand that you are precious and that because I love you as much as I love the little ones of those who don’t share the same beliefs as myself, I’m voting for you little ones, and I’m working on you everyday.


your mother.

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